Love is in the air! Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching. Walgreens has all kinds of chocolates and cards for your valentine. It is a time for romantics to shine and for those not as romantic to buy a clever card and chocolate marshmallow hearts. The world turns red in February because of love.
Two thousand years ago, blood ran red from the cross as Jesus shed his blood for lost mankind. On that cross, God showed His love for you and me and all the world. Mankind was reconciled to God not with gold or silver but Jesus’ holy precious blood. All this happened because God loves you and me!
This is a great time for God’s people to arise with love. While the world seems dark, light shines brightest in the darkness. It is not time for the church to shrink or withdraw – it is time to engage people with the gospel of God’s love in Christ. This love is not a romantic or friendship love. God’s love is “agape”, a Greek word used to describe unconditional love not based on performance but which flows from the character of the person – God to us.
After-all, God is love. (I John 4.16) It is His nature, not just one of His attributes. We Christians are then to love (agape) others the same way – not based on performance but on our character. “We love because He first loved us.” (I Jn. 4.19)
I see this in our prayer teams that pray daily over people. Chuck and Susan Heather head up Bill Dasch Ministries “Miracle Train.” They have given their hearts to many others unconditionally. They love and genuinely care for people as they pray for people daily on the miracle train. All of our prayer warriors associated with our ministry share the same love (agape) and compassion for others.
So, when you come in for prayer at Bill Dasch Ministries, you can expect to experience God’s love coming through the people praying for you. It has nothing to do with your performance or how “good” you are, It has everything to do with God’s love (agape) and His love brings healing and wholeness.
Here’s a testimony from a man who was brought in by a friend. This man had cancer and was told after prayer, surgery and remission, there was a 90% chance it would return in 2 months. Here’s what he said, “Thanks for all your prayers. I continued to pray every day and to worship God at His house and after 7 months my doctor told me today, there is no cancer. Thanks for your help putting me back on God’s path.” This man experienced the joy of healing and returning to God’s love.
The world turns red in February with love. For us the world receives love because Jesus’ blood ran red on the cross. “No greater love (agape) has any man than this – that he lay down his life for his friends.” (John 15.13). The ultimate measure of our love is our willingness to give our life for someone else. Who would you die for? And who will you live for? Only Jesus offers real love. May His love transform and empower our character so that we may love (agape) others with His love. I have to run to Walgreens now, hope the chocolate hearts and cards are still available.
Happy Valentines Day! XXXOOOXXXOOO